General Deheza Weather
Current: 20.41°C/68.74°F, Wind SW at 26.75 km/h, 29% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- General Deheza Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in General Deheza over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in General Deheza in the coming days
- Rainfall in General Deheza in the coming days
- Cordoba's weather
- Comments
Current conditions
Updated: 20:36 PM Monday 11 November 2024
Clear Sky
Condition: Clear Sky
Pressure: 1,019 hPa
Sea level: 1,019 hPa
Temperature: 19.26°C
Cloud: 0%
Humidity: 29%
Wind: S 25.09 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
05 Nov
Broken Clouds
06 Nov
Moderate Rain
07 Nov
Few Clouds
08 Nov
Light Rain
09 Nov
Scattered Clouds
Hourly forecast today:
21:00 PM
20° / 20°
20° / 20°
Clear Sky
26.75 km/h
22:00 PM
21° / 22°
21° / 22°
Clear Sky
21.53 km/h
23:00 PM
22° / 23°
22° / 23°
Clear Sky
23.0 km/h
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 26.72°C
- Average low 16.39°C
- Hottest day (01 December 2024) 31.34°C
- Coldest day (06 December 2024) 10.9°C
- Average humidity 68.2%
- Days with precipitation 6 days
- Highest precipitation 16.44 mm (11 November 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 20°C
- Min: 12°C
- Total Precipitation: 0.12 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Cordoba over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Cordoba in the coming days
Rainfall in Cordoba in the coming days
Cordoba's weather
- Alta Gracia
- Cabana
- Caroya
- Chanaritos
- Corral de Mulas
- Cruz del Eje
- Cruz Grande
- Dean Funes
- Esquina
- Flora
- Hernando
- Huascha
- Laboulaye
- Laguna del Monte
- Larsen
- Marcos Juárez
- Media Luna
- Ojo de Agua
- Oliva
- Pegasano
- Playa Grande
- Pretot Freyre
- Puesto San Jose
- Río Cuarto
- Sauce de los Quevedos
- Villa Belgrano
- Villa Bustos
- Villa Dolores
- Villa María
- Unquillo
- Rio Viejo
- Rio Hondo
- Pueblito
- Orcosuni
- Morteros
- Oncativo
- La Falda
- La Penca
- La Calera
- Frontera
- Arroyito
- Candonga
- Argüello
- Tanti Nuevo
- Río Tercero
- Río Segundo
- Manantiales
- Jesús María
- Bella Vista
- Buena Vista
- Doctor Nicasio Salas Orono
- Mendiolaza
- La Carlota
- El Perchel
- Cruz Chica
- Bell Ville
- Almafuerte
- Santa Rosa de Calamuchita
- Villa Allende
- San Francisco
- Pozo del Moro
- Pedro E. Vivas
- Laguna Oscura
- Aguila Blanca
- Pilar
- Nazca
- Macha
- Lutti
- Río Ceballos
- Rara Fortuna
- Las Varillas
- Corral de Barranca
- Malvinas Argentinas
- Cueva de los Indios
- Saguion
- Rosario
- Cosquín
- Córdoba
- Barreto
- Villa Carlos Paz
- Pozo de la Pampa
- Ingeniero Malmen
- Cruz del Quemado
- Corral de Bustos
- Alto de Flores
- Alto San Pedro
- Banado de Soto
- Calera
- Capilla del Monte
- Cienaga de Britos
- Colonia Caroya
- Colonia El Fortin
- General Cabrera
- General Deheza
- Leones
- Los Boulevares
- Pozo del Tigre
- Saldán
- Vicuña Mackenna
- Villa Albertina
Comments (0)
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Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 236.99
- NH3 0.33
- NO 0.06
- NO2 0.21
- O3 52.93
- PM10 0.93
- PM25 0.5
- SO2 0.05
Sunrise / Sunset
16:08 PM
05:50 AM