Aldea Protestante Weather
Current: 17.65°C/63.77°F, Wind SW at 33.48 km/h, 71% Humidity, 0% Chance of rain
- Aldea Protestante Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Aldea Protestante over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Aldea Protestante in the coming days
- Rainfall in Aldea Protestante in the coming days
- Entre Rios's weather
- Comments
Current conditions
Updated: 20:48 PM Monday 11 November 2024
Overcast Clouds
Condition: Overcast Clouds
Pressure: 1,016 hPa
Sea level: 1,016 hPa
Temperature: 17.32°C
Cloud: 100%
Humidity: 71%
Wind: SSW 18.65 km/h
Visibility: 10,000 m
02 Nov
Moderate Rain
03 Nov
Broken Clouds
04 Nov
Moderate Rain
05 Nov
Few Clouds
06 Nov
Light Rain
Hourly forecast today:
21:00 PM
18° / 18°
18° / 18°
Overcast Clouds
33.48 km/h
22:00 PM
18° / 22°
18° / 22°
Overcast Clouds
24.48 km/h
23:00 PM
21° / 25°
21° / 25°
Overcast Clouds
27.32 km/h
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 26.29°C
- Average low 16.58°C
- Hottest day (02 December 2024) 32.14°C
- Coldest day (11 November 2024) 10.68°C
- Average humidity 77.0%
- Days with precipitation 5 days
- Highest precipitation 6.57 mm (04 November 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 22°C
- Min: 15°C
- Total Precipitation: 1.09 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Entre Rios over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Entre Rios in the coming days
Rainfall in Entre Rios in the coming days
Entre Rios's weather
- Yeso
- Febre
- Federación
- Aldea Camarero
- Aldea Kranevitter
- Aldea María Luisa
- Aldea San Rafael
- Aldea Valle María
- Altamirano Sur
- Antonio Tomas
- Atencio
- Basavilbaso
- Chanar
- Colón
- Concepción del Uruguay
- Concordia
- Cuatro Bocas
- Diamante
- Gobernador Mansilla
- Hernandarias
- Las Garzas
- Martiniano Leguizamon
- Paraná
- Urdinarrain
- Victoria
- Villaguay
- Rosario del Tala
- Palacio San Jose
- Puerto Algarrobo
- Arroyo del Medio
- Altamirano Norte
- Aldea Santa Rosa
- Aldea San Simón
- Aldea San Miguel
- Aldea El Chaleco
- Aldea Brasilera
- Oro Verde
- Mandisovi
- Gualeguay
- Aranguren
- Aldea Grapschental
- Aldea San Gregorio
- Aldea Cuatro Casas
- Gobernador Racedo
- Aldea Santa María
- Aldea San Antonio
- Aldea Protestante
- Aldea San Alfonso o de las Latas
- Canada de las Ovejas
- Villa Elisa
- Santa Elena
- San Salvador
- María Grande
- La Argentina
- Don Roberto
- Costa Grande
- Calabacilla
- Arroyo Barú
- Aldea Salto
- Aldea Nueva
- Aldea Refino
- Aldea Jacabi
- Aldea Chávez
- Aldea San Francisco
- Aldea Rafael Moreno
- Arroyo Urquiza
- Aldea San Jose
- Aldea San Juan
- Aldea Asunción
- San José
- Larroque
- Betbeder
- Villa Lila
- San Beníto
- Paranacito
- Curtiembre
- La Barraca
- Villa General Ramírez
- San José de Feliciano
- Montoya
- Federal
- Chajarí
- Alcaraz
- Puerto Ibicuy
- Fabrica Colon
- Colonia Delta
- Bajada Grande
- Aldea Repollo
- Talita
- Nogoyá
- La Paz
- Crespo
- Bovril
- Antelo
- Viale
- Maciá
- Gualeguaychú
- Puerto Constanza
Comments (0)
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Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 293.73
- NH3 0.56
- NO 0.33
- NO2 2.59
- O3 44.35
- PM10 2.28
- PM25 2.03
- SO2 2.74
Sunrise / Sunset
15:56 PM
05:36 AM