Santiago Del Estero, Argentina Weather
Current: 14.08°C/57.34°F, Wind SW at 30.89 km/h, 95% Humidity, 100% Chance of rain
- Santiago Del Estero, Argentina Weather
- Current conditions
- Weather forecast
- Averages and extremes
- Yesterday's Data
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Santiago Del Estero over the next 12 hours
- Temperature and possibility of rain in Santiago Del Estero in the coming days
- Rainfall in Santiago Del Estero in the coming days
- Santiago Del Estero Weather Summary
- Weather averages by month
- Santiago Del Estero's weather
- Frequently asked questions
- Comments
Current conditions
Condition: Moderate Rain
Pressure: 1,018 hPa
Sea level: 1,018 hPa
Temperature: 14.02°C
Cloud: 100%
Humidity: 95%
Wind: S 16.96 km/h
Visibility: 9,506 m
30 Day Averages and Extremes
- Average high 25.89°C
- Average low 18.29°C
- Hottest day (29 October 2024) 31.4°C
- Coldest day (02 November 2024) 12.87°C
- Average humidity 82.53%
- Days with precipitation 7 days
- Highest precipitation 37.71 mm (20 October 2024)
Yesterday's Data
- Max: 18°C
- Min: 17°C
- Total Precipitation: 35.68 mm
Temperature and possibility of rain in Santiago Del Estero over the next 12 hours
Temperature and possibility of rain in Santiago Del Estero in the coming days
Rainfall in Santiago Del Estero in the coming days
Santiago Del Estero Climate Summary
Santiago Del Estero features a Subtropical steppe (Köppen classification: BSh), with an average annual temperature of 22.77ºC (72.99ºF), which is about 4.53% higher than the national average for Argentina. Annually, the city experiences approximately 45.76 millimeters (1.8 inches) of rainfall, spread across 75.57 rainy days, accounting for 20.7% of the year.
Longitude | -27.7833574 |
Latitude | -64.264167 |
Yearly high temperature | 27.28ºC (81.1ºF) |
Yearly low temperature | 16.67ºC (62.01ºF) |
Hottest month | January 33.72ºC (92.7ºF) |
Coldest month | July 9.95ºC (49.91ºF) |
Yearly precip | 45.76mm (1.8in) |
Days with rainfall | 75.57 days (20.7%) |
Driest month | July (60.65%) |
Wettest month | February (60.72%) |
Weather averages by month
Month | High / Low (°C) | Rain |
January | 33.72° / 22.33° | 11.73 days |
February | 32.23° / 21.59° | 10.73 days |
March | 29.53° / 19.06° | 9.82 days |
April | 25.98° / 16.95° | 6.18 days |
May | 22.13° / 13.53° | 2.91 days |
June | 19.74° / 11.01° | 1.73 days |
July | 19.41° / 9.95° | 0.55 days |
August | 23.77° / 12.16° | 0.64 days |
September | 26.95° / 14.82° | 2.55 days |
October | 28.82° / 17.59° | 7.91 days |
November | 31.61° / 19.7° | 9.55 days |
December | 33.43° / 21.37° | 11.27 days |
Santiago Del Estero's weather
- Alto Alegre
- Anjuli
- Bandera
- Campo Gallo
- Clodomira
- Cruz Grande
- El Uclar
- Estancia Taco Pozo
- Frías
- Isla Baja
- La Banda
- Las Chacras
- Lomitas
- Monte Quemado
- Oratorio
- Pampa Muyoj
- Pocito de la Loma
- Pozo Muerto
- Quimilí
- Rumi
- San Manuel
- Suncho Pujio
- Tala Yacu
- Villa Nueva
- Ambargasta
- El Ucle
- Carachi Yacu
- Algarrobal Viejo
- Alto Pozo
- Añatuya
- Antuco
- Arbol Solo
- Bajo Grande
- Bella Vista
- Beltrán
- Cachi
- Chanar Pozo
- Ciudad de Loreto
- Colonia Barros
- Coronel Fernandez
- Dolores
- El Abra
- El Aibal
- El Balde
- El Bordito
- El Cajon
- El Porvenir
- El Retiro
- El Saladillo
- El Veinticinco
- Famatina
- Favorina
- Fernández
- Huascan
- Huritu Huasi
- Ingeniero Forres
- Isla Verde
- Jumialito
- La Juliana
- La Selva
- La Union
- Las Horquetas
- Las Islas
- Limache
- Mangrullo
- Maravilla
- Media Flor
- Nueva Esperanza
- Obraje San Enrique
- Otumpa
- Palermo
- Pampa de los Guanacos
- Parana
- Paredones
- Perez de Zurita
- Polvaredas
- Pozancon
- Providencia
- Pueda Ser
- Quebrachal
- Rincon
- Rosario
- Rumioj
- San Antonio
- San Isidro
- San Roque
- Santiago del Estero
- Sayaco
- Sepulturas
- Shishi Pozo
- Simbol Canada
- Suncho Pozo
- Tacoyoj
- Tala Pozo
- Termas de Río Hondo
- Tome y Traiga
- Tusca Pozo
- Vinal Macho
- Yaso
Frequently asked questions
1. What is the hottest month in Santiago Del Estero?
January has the highest average monthly temperature (daily mean of 33.72ºC) and July are the coolest (daily mean of 9.95ºC).
2. What should I wear in Santiago Del Estero today?
For today's mild weather in Santiago Del Estero, with temperatures between 15ºC to 18ºC (59.0ºF to 64.4ºF), consider wearing:
- Scarf (optional)
- Casual sneakers or loafers
- Cotton socks
- Long-sleeve shirt or blouse
Comments (0)
- Latest first
- Highest rated
Air quality
Satisfactory air quality, minimal pollution, low risk
- CO 280.38
- NH3 0.08
- NO 0.05
- NO2 0.44
- O3 46.49
- PM10 2.97
- PM25 2.9
- SO2 0.19